In this blog you will 
discover just how much you know about your cat and what it really like apart from boxes needing or chasing things could you listen other 10 things they love.

Sleeping is by far the ultimate favorite 
activity for most cats although it is 
normal for them to sleep between 15 to 
16 hours a day some may spend up to 18 hours sleeping avoid bothering them during sleeping areas in order to avoid stress or harming their welfare especially if they're just a kitten.

 The hunting instinct is innate and fundamental to ensure a cat's survival although some owners may even scold cats when you discover they have hunted a bird the fact is that this reaction is not effective at all to cats this behaviour is exciting and natural and impossible to completely eradicate.

Clawing and scratching is another 
instinctual activity of your feeling and therefore another thing that is very necessary for their welfare cat scratch for fun to sharpen their claws and to mark their territory we know that this behaviour can become a problem though so we recommend leaving several scratching posts around for them.  

 Cats love warm and comfortable places and it is not uncommon to find them basking in the sun's rays all the cat is really looking for is heat so it's common to find them napping next to heaters laptops or even ourselves.

ontrary to what many people believe one of the things that cats adore is to receive affection while it is true that some cats are more affectionate than others most greatly appreciate the affection to prevent a scratch or bite we recommend to pet them only when they look for you to do so and do not force it upon them.

Cats love watching the world from their 
windows they can spend hours on end watching people objects blowing in the wind insects everything especially if they spend many hours alone we recommend opening your curtains or blinds and providing entertainment and doors whenever possible.  

t's no secret that cats love food some cats will eat without being hungry if you want to keep your cat healthy and happy ideally you could regularly change their diets lightly by introducing small treats into their normal routine a small portion of cat friendly pate or a homemade recipe can be excellent to enrich their day and make them feel loved and cared for.   instinctively

 Instinctively feelings both small and large often sleep in high places this is an order to 
prevent any surprise enemy from catching 
them off guard this is a behavior that the house cat has inherited the main difference is that they not only like to sleep at large Heights but also to observe everything that happens around them if you have a garden with trees at home let your cat to claim if they feel like it always under your supervision to avoid them getting hurt if on the other hand you live in an apartment a multi-level park to look at will be ideal for satisfying this desire.  

As you can see not everything in a cat's life 
involves nap time when not eating or sleeping cats love to play no matter how old they are either with other cats or pets and their toys with you or any intriguing object playing is really important as well as buying or making toys for your pet were commend you spend a lot of time with them that will make them happier than a thousand toys.

When you have a cat it is easy to see 
that although they enjoy their own space they also love to be with you and other members of the family many people hate cats claiming that they're selfish beings and unattached to their owners but you've obviously never had one cats have different ways of showing their affection perhaps their subtle ways that can go unnoticed by some people have you noticed your cat trying to snuggle close to you before you sleep did he greet you at the door when you come home after a long day of work do these sometimes lick you these are just some signs that demonstrate the love your cat has for you and how much they love being around you now that you know these 10 things the cats love make sure your cat has the opportunity to enjoy them all and you will live a happy coexistence. 


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