
Showing posts from May, 2021

How to Make Your CAT LOVE You?(4 Tips to Improve Your Bond)

If you've adopted a feline  you may have a hard time winning their  affection it's also possible you've been  together for years  and they have been affectionate but now  i feel as if their attitude has changed. 1. GIVE THEM SPACE AND TIME :  W hen a cat comes into our home we are  eager to give them attention  however if we want the relationship to  start off on the right foot we need to  be careful  cats need time and space to adapt to  their environment and that includes us  they need to lose their fear and become  used to our presence  this is why we must never force them to  receive petting or climb on top of us  to reciprocate love with your cat you  need to create a bond of security and  trust  give them treats play with them but let  them come to you  they will smell you and then rub against  you only then do you have the permission  to interact. 2. IMPROVE THE...

The Benefits of petting your CAT

  It is a myth that cats are independent  and only use humans for their basic  needs  cats enjoy being petted as much as we  enjoy petting them. 1. IT REMINDS THEM OF THEIR MOTHER : Cats  seek out our company so they can receive  affection  in their eyes we represent a mother  figure one who cares for their every  need  when they are a newborn kittens will  suckle at their mother's teeth who will  in turn  lick them encouragingly our petting  reminds them of this action  and helps them to feel bonded and safe. 2. THEY ARE PROVIDED WITH A SENSE OF WELL-BEING : E ven if a cat is an adult this  child-parent relationship remains to  some degree  the nature of the domestication process  has created this dynamic  since they don't have to mature in the  same way as they did in the wild  petting provides close contact which  benefits the cat throughout their life  when we...

The Most Common Diseases in Cats

Whether you already live with a cast or  are thinking of adopting one into your  family it's important to know the basic  care needs of these animals as well as  being aware of any possible health  problems they may develop like any  living being cats can suffer from a  number of various pathologies some more  serious than others. 1. FELINE LEUKAEMIA : T his is a viral disease caused by an  unco new virus the word for a virus  which can cause cancer it is transmitted  to recontact with bodily fluids such as  saliva blood urine or even lactation  during pregnancy the virus affects our  cats white blood cells which are part of  their immune system this lowers our cats  natural defenses and makes it more at  risk of infection and other  complications it is one of the most  serious feline diseases due to the ease  of transmission and the potentially  fatal damage it causes to the body. S...